My friend Brandy G came up from Virginia on business this week and we worked on her lifting.
She made an absolutely astonishing increase in performance in only one day.
RPR kids.
And a little technique tweaking.
Watch the video and listen to her tell you about what it did. It's long but worth it.
Really, it was almost unbelievable.
She had the decency to bring me a bottle of Jameson too.
Follow her on the Instagrams: @quadzilla_821
RPR Article 1
RPR Article 2
Did you miss my last Coaching Log?
This is a really good one. Read it here.
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Search for Total Performance Sports, Malden, Mass.
The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too.
Best way to reach me is via email.
I don't check Facebook messages.
Hope to see you at TPS.
Vincere vel Mori