February 3rd, 2015
Opening Day!
I am relocating my log from my website, IntenseMuscle.com, to EliteFTS.com as of today. 2015 will be dedicated to my off season where I will attempt to make one last run at gaining as much size as possible at 45 years old, and then compete in 2016 at 46. I haven't pushed for size in almost 10 years and this will all be documented in my online DVD called "Longevity2: Until I Collapse". In the end, this free online DVD will cover in great detail my off season and contest prep methods involving training, nutrition, supplementation and pretty much anything and everything that will go into the next 18 months.
I will be detailing a lot of this information in this log in real time, laying out my nutrition changes, training methods, ideology, how to train around my back injuries and how to stay as healthy as possible at the same time.
I will also try to figure out how to post videos and pictures of which at this time I have no clue.
I am not a professional bodybuilder and I will not ever threaten for a pro card. I am an average guy with average genetics that has worked for over 30 years in the gym and competed for 20. I will give you as much information as possible so that you can learn how to take your average genetics and get the most out of them just like I have.
I plan to start with my first official entry tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy my log.
Looking forward to this. Also an average guy with average genetics here, just love to train. Will happily absorb any knowledge you're generous enough to pass along.