Any after a long hiatus I'm finally updating what the hell has been going on and getting back on course from here on out.
Reason for Hiatus:
Promotion as work has been the biggest reason that and football season being here. My schedule has been crazy and I haven't taken the time to update nor train all that much.
We are in the process of hiring another assistant as well. This is taking time but it's always a process. Once I get that established and taken care of I will be in a much better place to train and get back to work.
Dave has been very supportive in the juncture and I apologize that I haven't been apart of this great company the past 6-7 weeks.
I want to try and revamp the log and get it back to where I want it to be: informative, straight forward with no BS, and motivating.
Anyways, I will be checking my questions that have been back logged and get those taken care of. Please feel free to ask anything about programming, what I do, athletics, etc. It's been a long journey that is still just starting!