elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training & Success Summit
April 26th - 28th, 2019
elitefts Compound
London, Ohio 43140
The most credible Strength Training and Success event of the year!
Focused presentations, workshops and QA’s by Dave Tate, Eric Serrano, Joe Bennett, Julia Anto, Alwyn Cosgrove, JL Holdsworth, Dr. Ken Kinakin, Buddy Morris.
Trusted in helping athletes, coaches and trainers achieve and exceed their strength & conditioning, training and success desires for over 200 hundred combined years.
Strength and passion within the industry, coupled with the ability to teach in ways that will allow you to become better.
Live, Learn, Pass on…
Past Event Stats
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The 2018 Sports Performance Summit was my third conference hosted by EliteFTS. In typical Elite style, each Summit improved upon the last. The addition of the VIP option has made these events especially attractive to me. I enjoy the presentations and the info provided there, but the one on one time VIP attendees get is invaluable. Opening S5 Friday night was icing on the cake! I plan on attending as many of these Summits as EliteFTS puts out.
The volume of information and knowledge shared was worth the price alone. I could see a "6 DVD" set of this going for more than the price paid to be there. I will highly recommend anybody I know in the field to attend future events.
Attending this summit was the best experience for my profession as a strength coach. I was able to meet 4 of my top 5 strength coaches. I really appreciated how approachable everyone was! It has given me great motivation to continue to kick ass in this profession. You guys are first class!
I truly feel that the strength summit has improved each year its been held. Since coming to the first one, its been a highlight of my year. Not only because of the opportunities to connect with other like-minded strength coaches, but its allowed me to feel a part of a culture. I do not compete as a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or physique athlete. I'm a coach. I want to make my kids better. This summit has allowed me to come back to them and allow them a better opportunity to be successful.
Amazing Summit! Dave Tate and elitefts have not only organized a great educational seminar with a great speaker list, they have built a sense of community into their events. Where most business conferences seem to keep a wide separation between speakers and attendees, but not here. They are much more accessible and open than most other conferences I have attended. You can talk with the people you are learning from. This is the best trait I can think to have for a Summit. It's in the name: Summit. A sense of community. A gathering of people together to talk, not a glorified business "concert" where attendees can write notes down but can't really interact with those they are learning from.
It was a fantastic experience for anyone who sees themselves as a strength coach or sport coach. Having a chance to see professionals at various levels and institutions talk about what/how/why they do something and being able to actually talk with then is a fantastic opportunity. Getting a chance to use the new S5 was great as well. It was just about every one's dream gym. Also, the chance to sociallize and speak with everyone who attended to network and just bullshit was awesome
It was awesome as that I learned a lot! Then I tell them some of the things that I learned. I would also tell of the atmosphere and all the great like minded people all in one place. (I’ve already told some about it that was excited I went! It was cool to share the experience with him!)