Been still aggressively rehabbing elbow..........feels good. They have me doing light dbell presses which I can feel a lot just because of the gained range of motion
Yesterdays rehab session looking like this
-10 minutes on schwinn upper body bike
-4 sets of 20 cable lat pulldowns
-4 sets of 20 triceps pushdown
-4 sets of 20 dumbbell bench presses
-tons of passive stretching
Went to the gym and did 6 singles in squats (not going heavy yet)
--6 sets of leg extensions
-neck work
(now that I am able to do more, I will post more just didn't want to bore everyone with same redundant crap 🙂
Here is my client Orlando Green pulling a training PR of 850
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nSLBdeulhw ]
Here is another Client Cory Eger pulling a PR of 720, his old was 650!! Very proud of this guy