Training has been good. Elbows have been popping a lot since surgery. I'm not sure how that came about. Always something new to deal with. Its called life. Its been 16 weeks since I had total hip replacement surgery. I feel better each day. I'm on the right track.
May 23 Saturday,
Safety bar squats worked up to 275x5x3sets, Leg ext light 3x12, GHR 3X10, STRETCHING
May 25, Monday, bench worked up to 385x1. This was the most I benched since surgery. Finished chest with 3x10 at 231. Then did moderate shoulder work. Front raises and side raises along with rotator cuff rows and band pull aparts. Finished with rope push downs for high reps about 4 sets.
May 27 Wednesday, Deadlifts, worked up to 550x5 off the floor and 650x3 on rack pulls. This is the most work I have done since the surgery.