Weds Workout
Done in a Circuit (the dips are basically to really work the flexion of my elbow, they are done in a 1 and ¼ style meaning go down, get a good stretch, come up ¼ of the way go back down—come all the way up)
The Swings Work the Extension
Dips (max reps)—Swings x 12, Band Incline Fly x 12, Band Pull Aparts x 15, Leg raises x 12)
Thursday Workout
30 Minutes Intervals run up this very large trail hill, walk down did 9—was pretty grueling—enjoying doing things I am not use to
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuDO0vj4bUM]
Had some clients down for the bench press party at Metroflex, PR’s were flying
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCpeqoCQd0w}
Dustin now over 500, watch out for this dude!