Thursday Training & Updates
I haven't posted for the last couple weeks for several reasons. The main reason being I was out of town on vacation and the week before that, I had a lot of shit that I had to get done. Work was more hectic than normal, but still got in all the training days that I needed to get in. From a training log perspective, everything there was on point, on par. Got all the work done that I needed to get done.
One of my main major objectives that I set actually over two yearsago was to be able to actually leave for vacation and to not open my laptop a single time. Since being in business starting in '98, this has not been able to happen. Going way back into the late nineties and 2000s, just having a laptop was a major expense ... I was working, the only person in the business.
I was really unable to go anywhere unless there was some type of internet connection and then I had to have this cellular card that plugged into the fucking laptop to be able to do that. With each vacation over the past eighteen years, I've always worked. I've worked less, but I've always worked. I've never been able to not open the laptop once - usually it has been 2 times per day, and for good reason not just because I had to check sales or expense reports. I have had too many vacations where there was MAJOR shit going on. I am sure there will still be more but this was REALLY COOL - and needed.
I guess if there's an entrepreneurship lesson for anybody, it's taken me eighteen fucking years to go on vacation and not open my fucking laptop.
If that gives you any idea of how hard and how long the struggle is, that should give you a little bit of an idea. I did answer a few emails, not many. No more than five or six (total) through my phone, which were all not urgent. They were just friends asking questions and so forth, so nothing major.
It was also the second time since I've been in business that I've used a vacation auto-response ... That's my biggest takeaway from the vacation. We went to Maui, which was great. It's the first time I've ever been to Hawaii. I loved it. I hate to fucking travel, so I wasn't looking forward to this AT ALL, I am grateful, thankful and happy that we went. We had a great time! I now know what it really means to "get away".
As with most vacations I've always been on, I don't train. If I do, it's very minimal and just with whatever crappy gym ... That's closest. Typically I try not to train at all. The reason for that is every vacation I've ever been on in my life with the exception of Myrtle Beach, which is more of a work vacation so that's a whole different story ... I've lost weight.
This time a week before I left, I weighed about between 285 and I would flush weight up to about 290 ... 298 even at one point when I was playing around with some veterinarian joint lube, which took my weight up to 299. I learned my lesson on that one. That was the week before I left. I weighed myself tonight first training session since I've been back and weigh 274.
Typically that's normally what happens when I go on vacation. That's just the activity, the moving around and just being active more than what I am in a typical day. With that and my moving forward, I wanted to post this training log to kind of illustrate how I get back into the training routine ...
The routine that I'm using, it's a pretty ... It's a hard program. It's a no joke program.
It took a long time to figure out just what could be trained on each day, how the recovery was going to fit in ... I had to pull everything into play to be able to recover from the way the training is set up. There's some dynamic work, there's max effort work, and there is a shit ton of hypertrophy work and bodybuilding work as well as things that I need to do to maintain my joint integrity and health. There's a ton of shit involved with all this.
To be able to get it on point to where I was able to recover just to make it through the training without fucking myself up and to be able to get all the sessions in and not skip 'em ... At this point in my training, if I'm not recovered by the time the next training session rolls around, I'm just not going to do it. I'm going to push it back.
I'm not going to force it because I'm not training for anything. There's no reason to. It's better for me just to shift the days around and to stay recovered. To be able to optimize everything for this program the way it needed to be, I had to go back and look at everything from my sleep, how much sleep and how good of sleep am I actually getting ... With my CPAP, it monitors that, which is great.
I'm actually going to have another sleep study done to try to monitor how many sleep cycles I'm actually going through. I think that's important to know, especially when I'm pushing the edge of recovery with the way this is going to build out to basic nutrition rules, which I'm not on a hardcore diet. It's just making sure I'm getting the fluids that I need to recover, that I'm not pulling in the sugar and that I'm not creating ... Basically a polluted environment.
I'm not creating too much of an inflammatory response outside of just the basic training. All that was pretty much on point before I left, so I can't jump right back into it because it took so long to get that on point. I will scale into the training over the next ... It shouldn't take more than two weeks.
If I put in some steady state cardio, it's definitely not going to take more than two weeks. If I don't use the steady state cardio, and the reason I'm saying that is that's going to help increase ... Maintain my aerobic base that I just built with the shit ton of walking that I just did on vacation.
If I can maintain this aerobic base that I just increased, I should be able to recover far better from the start than what I was before when I started. I didn't have that aerobic base to begin from. Thursday night's training was some speed bench work using about thirty, forty pounds less than what I used prior or before leaving. Some tsunami bar bench presses, very light. Just working on stabilization. Getting the stabilizers to start firing and to start stabilizing the way that I want them to stabilize.
Three or four shoulder exercises, once again focusing on the stabilizers. Getting the muscles of the rotator cuff in my shoulders to start stabilizing or activating the way that I would need them to activate where I get into the heavy pressing or the more volume training, which ... Saturday's going to be that way if John Meadow shows up ... There is no de-loading ... You just jump in balls deep and go.
I'm trying to get myself ready for that. Nothing with the training session on Thursday was overtaxing. It was more just stimulating to help recover and to flush out and to get ready for the same type of session, which is going to happen on Saturday.
Vacation Pics
- sunset
- tree
- clouds
- black rock
- beach
- beach
- white light
- grass 2
- ocean
- grass
- dude
- tree
- burgers
- point
- fire
- dinner
- resort
- rainbow
- pool
- island
- branches
- tree and ocean
- road
Add finally the BEST part of the entire trip and something you DO NOT see often. Brought back and TON of memories.
It was one LONG ASS flight but not as long as many "flights" I've seen in several Powerlifting meets.
- Dave
In case you need to chill
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