I'd have to say my program is 60% male and 40% female. Of that percentage, there can be a swing either way depending on the goals or "that" time of the month. (for both men and women).
I'm cool with the monthly cycles the people go through, and YES, in my 58 years I understand that some people handle it better than others.
BUT, every month is another month and string 12 of them together and there is a year of the same changes in behavior individuals will go through.
Anyway, you'd think after "x" amount of time on the planet you'd know "when to stock up" on certain ITEMS. You'd also know most MEN don't really give a rip about Aunt Flow coming to visit for another week. WE know when "String Season" is upon us fellas.
Fellas, when SHE enters her womanly time, it doesn't give YOU Carte Blanche to head for the hills and act the part as well. Your brethren... well...WE DON'T CARE!
The point of this is, even with my own wife, whom I love more than anything, I won't tolerate that lack of etiquette of DEALING with others. When she turns into "Sybil" I simply remind her that she needs to take the "Red Pill, Neo". Or better yet, I scream out, "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN and BE HEALED!" as a person who is capable of "laying on of hands".
Today when the HENS started to ruffle the feathers, I remind myself of what I remember THE great Jim Wendler one time said when in debate with a women that we were talking to. He asked her quite calmly during an intense discussion, "Ma'am, you and aren't going to be swapping any DNA anytime soon. Am I correct?" To which she replied, "NO! NEVER!" Jim then eloquently asked..."Then I'll assume that there is not even a BLOW JOB in my future?" To which the now throughly disgusted women bellowed..."NO! EWWW!" That's when Señor Wendler in his classic style and grace punch lined, "Then Ma'am this conversation is now over!"
BRILLIANT! Brilliant to the point that it is my constant companion in all matters regarding ANYONE. "Since we will NOT be swapping any DNA this conversation is now OVER"
I now will only argue points of concern with my lovely bride, April. While I will listen to other's points of view, I will NOT argue with them.
Now onto the title of this coaching point after that background story.
I like to listen to music in the gym. Don't really care WHAT the music is, because it will vary with the different clientele. What I do enjoy is ANY music that is played LOUD! So I do. Play it loud.
However, by amping the tunes up, it makes it difficult to HEAR. Instead of asking 1000 times for a person to repeat themselves, I will answer questions or respond to statements I THINK I hear. This can be both funny and/or dangerous.
Today I thought I heard from one of my FEMALE participants, Jackie O'Keefe, something to the sound of "So she didn't display proper vaginetiquette?" I had to ask...WHAT did you SAY??? Again, she repeated what I thought I heard was "VAGINETIQUETTE".
Three more times I asked for clarification and returned each time conformation of a new Sniglet. vaginetiquette, which is now roughly defined by anything proper or improperly done (mostly in a gym setting) that relates to, but not exclusively to the female species of the race, only because, since she is the proprietor of the vagina, she makes the rules.
Nothing is written in stone about the definition, but know that you have poetic license to do as you will or must to customize this new word for your own use.
I would like however, in return, how YOU used it and what context it was used IN.
Thank you.
Today we also implemented as a DAILY WARM UP:
Air Body Squats x 10
Rear Stepping Lunge x 10 ea. leg
GHR x 10
45 degree back extension x 10
Pull ups x5
Dips x 10
Chin ups x 5
Push ups x 10
Planks x 1 minute hold
For today's Strength and Conditioning
Incline DB Chest Press: 8x13x45
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50%
Flat DB Chest Press: 8x13x55
Cable Fly: 4x25x40
Deep Dip for pecs AND tricep: 5x10 = 60 additional dips
Push Ups: x 200 +10 for warm up or 210 additional push ups for the year totals.
Pull up totals=1499
Push Up totals=1461
Prowler: 2320 yards