My Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri, squatting 275 with reverse mini bands and deadlifting 335 for 2 reps with reverse monster mini bands while training to compete in the 66 kg/145 lb class at the Special Olympic Florida State Games on November 10th.
I've mentioned that my training philosophy (the Minimalist Method) is based off a gradually increasing range of motion in order to optimally stimulate the CNS to adapt to heavier weights while reducing joint stress, but I've found that CJ is better off reinforcing his motor pattern with the full movements each week. I have him follow linear periodization in the off season (when he has to go for extended periods without competing) and block periodization when he’s closer to meets. He’s now what’s considered the “realization” phase for the last few weeks prior to the meet. On Monday he worked up to a single with what I hope will be his third attempt squat, so 100%, with reverse mini bands and on Friday he worked up to 92.5 and 95% of his projected 350 deadlift max with 315 and 335 for 2 reps each.