As a Strength Coach, I feel it is part of my job description to set the tone of our gym on a daily basis. If I come in sleepy tired, or not "up" then I can rest assure that the motivational level will be that of listening to elevator music.
I like to crank up the music (and I do change the genre too) but I get something up beat and LOUD.
In between sets and after the critiquing or cues that are coached there is always time for some "Stories". It might be from what has just happened or from the past of other experiences not unlike what is happening at the moment.
I will also tell tales from what other members of EliteFTS have written or that I have witnessed over the years.
My buddy Vincent Dizenzo is always one of my favorite topics because he is SO darn relatable. Everyone knows a Vinny, and everyone has or should have a Vinny as a friend.
Vincent is currently getting himself "healthy" by shedding a few unnecessary pounds, that he refers to in his log as "Operation Less Fat". If you haven't read any of his posts, this should become a "MUST READ" for his twist on not only his training, but his views of life.
I Twittered (is that a verb?) or tweeted, or tatted a quote I took from his training log yesterday.
What posted was:
"My advice to those of you trying to be less fat, when you fall off the wagon, get the "f" back on in a hurry."
So I was discussing this with a few of my participants who laughed and added their own twist.
I surely hope Vincent appreciates this one that stood out as a good one from one of my fat guys...
"I'm so fat, that when I fall off the wagon, it takes off and there is NO catching it".
Here I am in an attempt to motivate my guys and now find myself spitting my chocolate milk and laughing with the fat men.
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