Well now, Congratulations to the city of Cleveland for not wrecking everything for the new Champions of the World in Basketball.
Something I have never understood...why do people riot when they WIN?
It was a great ball game and a nail biting series. I do have my feelings about Labron though. I thought MVP should have gone to Kyrie Irving. He was monumental in his play that helped the Cav's win. So congratulations to Mr. Irving for being the REAL MVP of the series.
Although I would WANT Lebron James on my team if he were available, I would definitely tell him to stop playing basketball like Sidney Crosby plays hockey. WHAT an Academy Award for the end of the game flop. I didn't see him land on his wrist at all. "Now for best Dramatic Roll..."
Lastly...Shut UP! is what the Refs should have told ALL of these Primo Donna's or "First Ladies"...The bad calls went BOTH ways. but for the love of keeping the game moving, STOP arguing with the refs. They can't hear you.
My issue now, is for the next weeks UNTIL the Basketball season begins again, we will not hear anything other than Labron. (I miss Michael)
Now you Cleveland fans need not get all worked up. Like I said...I'd love to have him on my team. But he'd come with a leash.
Classy win city of Cleveland..Now for the Browns. (that really would be cool and to WHOOP Baltimore in the process...you know, splash some egg there when the iron is hot)
One Board Bench from the Board UP: Work up to a five rep max.
-once there do two sets of THREE with that weight
Sling Shot Bench:
-Strip the weight off
- Take it out of the "J" hooks
Work back up to a FIVE rep max
-Once there to TWO more sets of Five
Done as a Giant Set-
DB Lateral Raise
DB 10-2 o'clock Raise
DB Front Raise
3 sets of 15 reps
Shoulders should be SMOKED
Shrugs: 5x10x445 Making use of those 100 lbs plates.