From time to time I will post my training session so readers can follow how I train and why.
My Current Training Objective:
- slow fat loss (1-2 pounds per week) while maintaining muscle.
- increase recovery to allow for more sessions per week
- find balance between movement and joint pain
- get training time earlier in the day or very late a night.
- moderate strength increase
My Current Training Split: (this how this week has worked out)
Monday: off
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Shoulders
Thursday: Arms
Friday: off
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: Chest
Today's Leg Training
My lower back has felt like crap the last 24 hours so I got up 1 hour earlier than normal and spend some time in the hot tub. Normally I would not do this pre-training but my back was too tight and not letting up. This allowed it to relax enough to get some distraction work on the Pit Shark. Since I squatted last week with the Yoke Bar and I had my son in the gym with me (He trains with Sheena while I am training) I didn't want to squat two weeks in a row or deal with the time it would take to get my body ready to squat.
One Leg Curls - Standing
* I start with zero weight on the machine and add one dime per side with each set.
* Performed 6-8 total sets of 10. Didn't pat attention. I worked up 1 dime shy of what I felt would be failure. The tempo for all these reps was slow to moderate with a 1 count contractions and one count stretch.
- Stretched hamstrings between sets
Leg Press
* Started with 4 PPS (plates per side) for 10-15 reps
* worked up 1 PPS using sets of 10 reps until 12 PPS.
- Using a moderate tempo this was 1-2 plates from failure with this rep range.
* Last set with 6 PPS for 1.5 songs. The way I do this is when it is my turn to go I begin the set and continue until the end of the song that is playing. Then continue all the way through the next song. This can range from 150-300 reps depending on the song - time.
Leg Extensions
* no warm ups needed
* 5 sets of 15 reps with 15 bottom end partials at the end of each set
Glute Press Machine
* 3 sets of 12 reps
Spent the next hour rehashing old Westside Stories with Matt Smith and realized there is NO WAY I can write most of these. I know when I asked for suggestions on what to write about "old Westside Stories" was the most popular suggestion.
There were a few I forgot about. There was the one time where we had a guy to just got back from surgery (tore tricep) and he was in the gym with is cast and sling on and I was on a bench with the guys in the dynamic effort bench crew (5 or 6 of us). While we were benching another lifter asked the tricep guy where the hell his bench shirt was (I guess he borrowed it). I have no idea what was said next but not more than 12 inches from my feet tricep guy hit the floor after getting punched in the face and then proceed to get his face smashed in while other guys in the gym were pulling the guy who wanted his bench shirt back off him.
While all this was going on not one set or rep was missed in my bench crew. I am pretty sure not one of us could even tell you what the hell even caused all of this. I was only reminded of it today from on of the guys who was pulling the shirt guy off the tricep guy. As with most of these stories none of them are going to sound funny or weird because you kinda had to be there.