Already at 197 this week and it is only Thursday. I would not be surprised to at least be at 196 by the weekend and possibly even 195. I did add a fat burner last week, this week and for next week before I switch gears and starting filling out slowly by adding calories back in.
Not only am I dropping weight and getting leaner this week but I am not doing any cardio. My legs were so destroyed last week that I was walking on my right heel for 5 days post leg session because I couldn't stretch out my calf due to being so sore. I figured I would give my legs extra recovery until I switch gears in a little over a week and then I will add the cardio back in. I am still undecided as to whether I am going to go with 2 sessions or 3 sessions of cardio per week. I am pretty freakin' lean right now so I am not going to need a lot but I still want to keep the metabolism revved up, of course.
I finally actually like my condition and how I look right now. I will like it even more, I am sure, when I start to fill out but at least for as long as I have been cutting weight the last 6 months or so, I am finally happy with the look I have. The grass is always greener, though, as I am probably more looking forward to the changes that I will make with adding calories back in.
No real hunger to speak of unless I miss a meal and that rarely happens. I am loading all day Sundays right now and 1 meal prior to bed on Saturday night. I baselined this week on Tuesday which is very early for me as I usually baseline on Thursdays or Fridays. Strength in the gym is not the best that it has been but it is pretty close and WAY better than it has ever been at this body weight.
I will be discussing the SCGS compound a bit more in about a week as I have a client that is one week out from a show right now that always starts his preps carrying a lot of body fat and he is now not only ripped and ready to roll for his show but he is about 15 pounds heavier and very full and he swears it is from using the SCGS compound for the first time during this prep. I am going to show that the antiquated idea that the SCGS compound will make you fat or keep you from getting lean is ridiculous and incredibly untrue.
Stay tuned ...
Also, which fat burner (or specific ingredients) do you recommend?