You might recall me saying how much of a breeze this prep is about 4 or 6 weeks ago. No longer is this the truth. I’m not destroyed but things are a changing and I am beginning to feel it. Oddly enough, I kinda like it.
Starting the fat burner up again this week didn’t help my energy and fatigue, for sure. However, it will be worth it in a couple of weeks. I am doing cardio while using the fat burner which is the opposite of what I did last time where I did no cardio. This time calories are slightly lower, as well, because … I have to get leaner. Things are going well but … I have to get leaner.
Cardio while on the fat burner hasn’t been unbearable. Of course, it is still chilly at the house and my cardio is done in the garage so that helps. I have been doing double cardio sessions until this last week and then did a couple double days until the fat burner started and then cut back to once a day.
Water logged this time around for some reason, too. Not sure why because everything is pretty much the same and water intake is high enough. Still, just holding a lot of water and scale weight is up though it has only been about 4 days into the fat burner cycle at this point.
Workouts are good but I can definitely tell I am back on the fat burner. Just cannot get the contractions I typically get while not on it.
Last time I didn’t Skipload at all while on the fat burner but this time I am going to. It has been nagging at me and I have been pondering it for a couple of weeks now and feel that I need to see how I respond with loading vs. without. On paper, the loading should help but I do have my doubts. I am still learning even after 32 years so I decided that I would be better off in the end if I do the loading and evaluate whether it worked better, the same or not as much and at least move forward knowing for sure as opposed to just wondering.
I am not going to “all out” load, though, as I feel that would not be terribly beneficial. I am going to load moderate carb and moderate fat for only 2 maybe 3 meals and just see how I respond. I ANTICIPATE that I will not fill out much – if at all – but that the increased calories will benefit the fat burner and make it even more effective. I could be dead wrong but I am going to find out pretty quick.
Just for reference, I will likely use sushi for one meal and maybe a good quality burger and fry (might limit the fries based on how I feel in response to the fat burner). If I have another meal I will have to figure out what it will be but I likely would have meat on gnocchi with buttered garlic bread. I will avoid my typical bfast meals of French toast and things like that because I feel the carb content might be too high.
I will report early in the week what the results were.