Monday was a holiday here. I am still not sure what the holiday was or what it was supposed to celebrate...but my son told me it was all about throwing water at each other. So when I woke up Monday I put on my swimming trunks and headed down stairs and sat on the couch with everyone else. Nobody said anything and we were just all caught up in conversation when after about an hour my son says "What about the water! Get ready Pappa so we can go outside and get wet!"
"Son, are you even ready? I've had my swimming trunks and flip flops on all day, waiting for YOU!"
So we headed outside, water guns, water hoses, balloons...all out WAR!!!!
Then when we weren't looking my wife shot out the door and got us both GOOD with buckets of water!
We hid behind the car, under the 2nd floor ledge, around the corners. We held our ground with our guns and our water hoses till we ran out of ammo and decided something major...WE NEEDED FOOD!
So while my wife as inside cooking lunch I finally felt it was safe enough to take my phone outside and get some more of his fun on video. I fully expect him to have a big channel soon with lots of subscribers.
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