Every day we get up to a morning ritual whatever it may be. We might check the news to stay current and to see if we really need to go to work or just head out into the surf.
There are morning that I get inundated with questions and feel as if I need to head on a "walkabout" and yet there are other morning that I welcome EVERY question.
I question sometimes about my split personality or that Jekyll and Hyde syndrome that I know I have. But that is the reality of it. It ISN'T the other guy that needs "checking"...it's ME!
Everyday you get a Choice menu. You can pick from side A which states that you'll have the Attitude of Gratitude. You'll be happy and cheerful with a long fuse for patients. You'll be thankful for EVERYTHING in your life, both the things that make you glad AND the things that interrupt it.
Side B, which means you're MEAN! Pissy and short of patience. EVERYTHING "triggers" you and you care only about what's in it for ME!
I know how quickly my tanks diminish when I choose side B. Staying on the A menu takes WORK!
But let me say, at the end of the day...It's worth it!
Today's Training:
Bench: From pins set 2" off the chest work up to a heavy TWO reps.
No spot needed.
Rep Bench: 5x10 @ the same weight as last week
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes
Suspended Blast Strap Row: 5x10
Face Pulls: 5x10
Dips: 5x10
Supine DB Tricep Ext: 5x10
BB Curl: 5x10
4 way Neck: 1x15