You just played your early game and you delivered the BEATING as expected and now you have five or six hours until the next game. What DO you do with your future Hall of Fame player?
You surely REFEED him/her as we discussed yesterday. Getting a complex carb in the young athlete within the hour post game will do the most for them.
Seasonal Fruit (Organic is the best)
Chocolate Milk...what kid doesn't like chocolate milk?
Protein Shake with some smashed fruit
16 oz of water as soon as possible because EVERYONE walks around dehydrated.
Get them stretched out and foam rolled. Now they don't have to go apeshit on this, just a few minutes to hammer some soft tissue out.
Luckily for my kid, his Father got as far as the message class in college before being rubbed and put to sleep. I actually paid attention in this one, so Hunter gets a quick "rub down" when he requests one.
Quick shower! They're post comp...they stink. Even if they say they don't??? The do! Truthfully, you may not think YOUR kid smells, but they do! Really!!!
Plan for some quiet activities. I go into a few ideas tomorrow when I address the To Do and Not a Good Idea.
* Thanks to Marilee Brown for all the cool hockey photos of my son that I've been using.
Today's Training:
Anderson Squat:
Work up to a heavy 6 reps.
Then do 3 sets of 10 at 55% of the heaviest lift
AirDyne Bike: 16 minutes
Rear Stepping Lunge: 3x10 (Graze the rear knee to the floor)
GHR: 3x10 w/ a 5 pound plate held under the chin.
Run: Easy 5 K later