Our lifters were off today and come back Tomorow and fri for a couple big days. Cody and his morning crew all got back from th uspa meet in camp pendalton in cali. Jerod did ok from what they said. Didn't hit what he was hoping to. Unsure what program he was following. Heard though he has signed up with some cali queen programmer and heard what he is paying?!? Cannot believe people pay instagram celebs that kind of money. Anyway Cody had a good day with his floor presses said he hit a PR for 5. Looking forward to seeing him at the in house IPA state meet in April.
I just got done with liftin then a lunchtime class. I went a little heavier than last time I benched. After that I threw on the metal sling and hit a heavier double. I also hit some pull-ups and had to call it due to class arriving. The dirty looks and gestures I get from clients is classic. Nobody likes the hard work but everyone wants the results. Plan on doing some pulling fri and lunges. Will hit some upper back stuff this eve between my class.