I got a crazy hair today and decided I would "challenge" myself. This is odd because I don't have much of a truly competitive bone left and don't derive much pleasure from proving things to myself anymore. Nonetheless, today that bone was talking to me.
In speaking with Jim Wendler back in December he talked about challenges he does every now and then just for fun. This nightmare was inspired by that.
- Deadlift 11 sets (Warm-ups sets of 3x5@135, Work sets of 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, FSL sets of 5x5@225)
- Pull-ups 4x6
- Push-ups 4x25
- Ab Rollouts 3x10
- Total elapsed time - 24:47
I was spent. Lungs burning, dripping sweat... if I'm unable to speak it's an odd occurrence. Today was odd. My legs were wobbly (is that a word?). I proceeded to sit at my desk for about an hour and do very little besides curse and mumble. Ate lunch, took a shower and I'm ready for the rest of my day. Still feel out of it.
Take away - training for a lazy fight has gotten me back into great shape. I train at my pace (for the most part), I train light and rarely, if ever, push it. I've left every workout since I got back from eye surgery with more in the tank and I feel fantastic. My injuries don't really bother me from lifting, more from cold weather.
I'm on this plan for 3 more weeks and Jim has a nice twist to give me when it's time. Until then, I'm staying the course.