On Monday I ended up helping the basketball team in individuals so I got in 30 minutes of playing defense. That's enough conditioning for the week. Tuesday I went to the rec center and got on some new, fancy kind of elliptical. It really sucked. It was actually very tough and I got a great workout in for 20 minutes. I should say, I made it a tough workout. If I just got on it a rode or ellipticalled (I don't know what it's called) it wouldn't have been too bad. Nonetheless, it was good.
After my panic attack on Saturday when my hip was feeling weird I decided to take another day and let things heal up a little more. My plan deadlifting was to do my FSL sets and not work to my heaviest planned set of the day. My warm-ups felt really good. I put my FSL weight on and that felt good. I decided to see what I could do and was able to do what was planned. I guess I'm recovered. There's still a little weird going on, but nothing to worry about. My superior genetics saved the day, again.
- Deadlift Warm-ups: 3x5
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- Pull-aparts: 2x25
- Deadlift: 225x5/275x5/315x5
- Rear Delt Raises: 2x20
- Deadlift FSL: 5x5@225
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Dips: 5x10
I just took my time and enjoyed the workout today. No clock or anything fancy like that. Having checked my phone before I started lifting and after, it took about 45 minutes, so I still moved at a good pace, just not trying to rush it.
Vincent and I are convening at Wendler's house this weekend for a Geriatric Powerlifting meet. It'll be a Squat (with any bar), Bench or Press (with any bar) and Deadlift (with any bar) meet. No one cares about bodyweight. There will be no formulas. We won't even do singles. All rep maxes with whatever bar we feel like lifting with. I'm sure there's a way we could calculate a winner, but we don't care. Just three old dudes lifting in a garage, eating, watching TV and playing some music for the weekend.
Hopefully, my hip/groin feel good enough to squat, otherwise I'll probably get another deadlift workout in.