- MB Throws: x6
- Foam Rolling (Back/Hamstrings/ITB/Quads): x5 passes on each
- SSB Box Squat: 155x5/205x5/245x5/285x5/325x5
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- SB Crunches: 2x15
- Rear Delts: 2x20
- DB Shrugs: 2x20
- DB Cleans: x20
- SSB Box Squat FSL: 5x5@245
- Push-ups/Dips: 5x10/5
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Time for FSL work: 19 minutes
I took my time with the main work. I think it took me around 30 minutes. I enjoyed it. Did a set, listened to music. No rush.
Keeping the train rolling.