Well.... I decided to train for the XPC Arnold again. It will be my 2nd Raw Arnold and only 3rd ever raw meet. I know... I feel like a baby deer sometimes. They increased the qualifying totals from last year, so my "pro" total last year falls under the "elite" day in 2018. Which I'm totally ok with.
After being a little unfocused for the past 6 months with training, I'm excited to train for something again.... but also realize that in order to be really really competitive, I need to lay out some actual goals.
My training will incorporate some max effort work alongside some triphasic principles of negatives and isometrics. It's a different combination of things for me, so I'm excited about a little experimenting.
A. Safety Squat Bar - 3x4 with 5 second negative @ 175 (I don't count the added bar weight of the SSB)
B. Wide Stance SSB Parallel Box Squats - 3x8 @ 135 w/ controlled negative
C. Banded TKE Squats 3x12
D. 45 Degree Hypers w/ BB 3x10
E. Seated SSB Round Back Good-mornings 3x10
F. Abs
A. Swiss Bar - 3x4 @ 145 with 5 second negative
B. Wide Grip Shoulder saver - 3x8 @ 155 w/ controlled negative
C1. DB Flies 3x8
C2. DB Chest Supported Rows 3x8
D. Dante Rows 3x10
E. Tate Press 3x10
F. Dead Bug Holds 4x15 seconds
A. Speed Squats 12x2 @ 145 + 2 chains each side
B. Sumo Dead - 4x5 @ 225 w/ negative
C. Snatch Grip Deads 3x8 @ 215
D. Banded Good-mornings 3x20
E. DB Pullovers 2x20
F Abs
A. Speed Bench 12x3 @ 95 + chains
B. Spotto Bench 3x10 @ 135
C. Pendlay Rows 3x8 @ 135
D1. Pushdowns 3x12
D2. DB Row 3x8
D3. Incline Curls 3x10