For the next few weeks I'm going to be going through something a little bit different. Physically and mentally I needed a change. So I'm taking some principles and doing some different hypertrophy work before transitioning into full on meet prep.
Follow along as the weeks go on and you'll see some pretty interesting stuff. The first week definitely sparked some soreness with the eccentric work, the short rest periods and some overall different exercises I haven't done in awhile.
One of the ideas is to mess around with some frequency principles. High frequency work was really beneficial for me in the past when I brought up my shoulders. This is a bit different still as it's not a TON of sets and reps, but the idea is to get growth with the least amount of stress/damage/work. Follow along....
A. Bench press 10x1 @ 155 w/ short rest
B. DB laterals 6x6, 45 sec rest
C. Bench dips x50, 30, 35
D. Close stance leg press 3x12 with 5 sec eccentric
E. Calf raises 3x20
A. DB rows 2x10, 2x8, 2x6, short rest, worked up to 80s
B. Pendlay rows 6x6
C. SSB goodmornings10x1, short rest
D. EZ bar curls, heavy
E. Hammie curls 3x12 with 5 sec eccentrics
F. Cable rear delts 2x10 with drop sets
A. Calf raises 6x6
B. Decline DB press 3x12 w/ slow eccentrics
C. Smith machine OH press 3x8 w/ slow eccentrics
D. EZ bar skullcrushers with forced eccentric 3x10
E1. Leg extensions 3x20
E2. SSB high box squat 3x10
A. DB RDL 6x6 @ 85s
B. Banded rear flyes 3x20 w/ slow eccentrics
C. Lat pulldowns x15, 12, 10, 8
D. Strip the rack rows 3x8
E. Low row x1 set max reps
F1. SSB seated goodmornings 3x10, rounded back
F2. Band goodmornings 3x20, rounded back
G. Cable curls 3x8 + partials