Well... the meet is over and my body is telling me (insert girl emoji with arms in an "X"). I had intentions of jumping back into heavy training to do another meet, but that's on hold. Or maybe it's not and I'll just do a shorter prep...
I took the first few days off and by the end of the week was just getting antsy, so I did the following:
A. Swiss bar press 3x3 @ 150
B. DB bench 3x10 @ 50's
C. Pulldowns 3x15
D1. Laterals 3x12
D2. Rear delts 3x12
E. Pushdowns 3x15
Friday at the S5 compound during the Sport Performance Summit weekend
I opted to try pulling sumo again because it had been a few weeks and I wanted to see if the pain was still there.... spoiler alert... it was.
A. Sumo deadlift, worked up to 295. Could not keep my knees out, which meant my hips and glutes were not engaging (another spoiler... read next log regarding my findings and rehab).
B. Med ball squats 4x15
C. 45* Back raise with BB
D1. Reverse hyper 3x20
D2. Single leg box squat 3x15 each
D3. Band abduction 3x20
(That last tri-set was with Anto.... I may have been sore as HELL 2 days later, but my work capacity smoked him.)
The rest of the weekend was spent at the summit, learning and talking to the speakers and attendees. Having known some of these people for years through social media it was awesome to finally meet an talk shop.
Joe "House" Kenn - good dude. Funny as heck and a coach I respect and admire. Finally after "100 years" we got to meet like old friends. His implementation of the clean is perfect for strength coaches.
Tom Myslinski - S&C coach for the Jaguars. Because he's not on social media, I have only connected with him a couple times via email, but we run in the same circle so that was a stellar meeting. BOATLOAD of info from him on testing and training.
Victoria Felkhar - a wealth of knowledge and super sweet. She was kind enough to talk at dinner about hormones and nutrition among other things.
Jim Wendler - well, it's Jim, always a pleasure. He's got a great thing going at his local high school and it was pretty cool to hear how he implements some simple yet HIGHLY effective protocols with his athletes.
Jeremy Frey - good run down of techniques of the big 3. Some key takeaways that not everyone's technique is the same due to different body structures.
Phil Matusz - S&C coach for Ohio State. Spoke about the amazing atmostphere and buy-in they have built in those weight room walls. You want leadership and culture? This is your guy.
As always, Dave Tate finished off the afternoon with just being himself. Of all the years I've known Dave (17 years now), it never gets old hearing him speak. Whether it's formally in a seminar setting or just hanging out at the gym. Me, him and Victoria had a great convo just standing around the compound Friday night. Those are the moments that a seminar can't give you and I am forever grateful.