So I will give the recap first in case you don't feel like looking at my entire week of work. If you don't feel like reading, just scroll down to the bottom for the training. This program started the day after my meet. I am more excited to get into great shape than I am with any number I can put on a platform right now. That said, I want to be strong. However, sometimes strength trumps mobility, conditioning, physique, etc.
If you have been following along this week you know Wendler gave me this program. It's a full body routine and I"m running my training four days a week. The days off are reserved for conditioning which is training for a 5k on the treadmill. Stretching, mobility work, and foam rolling are also done on those non training days. Lastly, I am trying to do some rehab and mobility work on weekday mornings. I get to work early so I am using some of that time to get my body right.
The rehab movements that have been yielding the best results for my back are lying bent knee spine twists and thoracic work with the medicine ball. For my shoulder band dislocates and lying scap retractions are working best. I am really trying to limit my movements to get a good grasp on what is working and what is not. I don't need to waste time with exercises that are not helping. As the week finished up I really do feel good considering all the work I have done. So I need to keep all this up.
Training wise it was an awesome week. This non stop weight training is pretty brutal. I feel well worked from both a strength and conditioning standpoint. I chose my numbers pretty well. The deadlift, overhead, and squat were sufficient without seeming impossible. I did screw up my bench numbers.
I decided to use the football bar for the next two months in hopes it will give my shoulder enough of a break to heal up a bit. For anyone who has not used one, the football bar (as well as the swiss bar) is harder than a straight bar press. I took a little off my percentages to compensate for this, but evidently not enough. My heaviest set was 365 and I got it for four and missed the fifth at the top. I'll attribute it to a few things. First I did compete in a bench meet only five days prior. Also, I benched with my legs up to take some pressure off my back which seems forever tweaked.
There's also one other thing that may have sabotaged my strength. I deadlifted before I started benching. I didn't go heavy or anything, I just had an itch I had to scratch. I have not pulled with a mixed grip since I tore my biceps pulling 675 about 8 years ago. I really would like to compete in a full meet within the next couple of years so I had to know if I could pull with an over under hand position. The 405 was very comfortable with that grip which gave me the confidence I needed. There was no need to try and pull anything heavier. It was just a little test. Now I think in a couple of months I will move off of the trap bar and get back to straight bar deadlifting.
Other than that little glitch with the bench all my training went great. My body is feeling better and I can already see some changes in my physique in just one week. This training is unlike anything I have ever done before. I think my body is going to respond really well. Feel free to come along on this journey. My main man Harry Selkow had his wife April who is a total studette run it. She loved it, although not the muscle soreness it caused her the next day. I'm telling you, if you feel like shaking things up, run this for a few cycles. It's been such a welcomed change for me.
My bodyweight is in a good place. I was a little scared on Monday as I held on to my meet bloat of 246.5. But after a solid week of training and eating right I weighed in Saturday at 239.5. That only puts me 11 pounds from my goal weight. 228.5 lands me down exactly 100 lbs from my heaviest. I'm on a mission. Yeah, a mission to add some calories back to my friggin diet.
Here's what I did for the week:
Monday Seated OHP w/Football Bar
Warm up
OHP 70x5
Face pulls w/mini band x25
OHP 85x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP 100x5
Face pulls w/mini band x25
OHP 120x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP 135x5
Pull-ups w/bands x7
OHP 155x5
Pull-ups w/bands x7
OHP 120x5
Pull-ups w/bands x7
OHP 120x5
Pull-ups w/bands x7
OHP 120x5
Barbell Shrug 135x25
OHP 120x5
Barbell shrug 135x25
OHP 120x5
Back raise x25
Time 36:15
15 minutes back, hip and shoulder stretching
Foam rolling
5:00 Warmup walk
6 rounds :60 run/:90 walk
5:00 Cooldown Walk
25:00 total
1 hr deep tissue massage
Wednesday am stretch
Bird dogs x10
Leg swings 2x10
Back roll on peanut
Shoulder dislocates x10
Wednesday pm Squat w/Safety Bar
Full body warm-up
Squat warm-up 115x5
Squat warm-up 165x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat warm-up 205x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat warm-up 245x5
Ab Rollouts x10
Squat Work Set 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat Work Set 325x5
Dbl row 50x10
Squat Work Set 365x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Dbl row 50x10
Squat 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Curls 45x20
Squat 285x5
Pushups x10
Squat 285x5
Curls 45x20
Time 41:26
15 minutes back, hip and shoulder stretching
Foam rolling
5:00 Warmup walk
6 rounds :60 run/:90 walk
5:00 Cooldown Walk
25:00 total
Friday am stretch
Bird dogs x10
Bent knee spine twist 2x10
Back roll on peanut
Shoulder dislocates x10
Friday pm Bench w/Football Bar and legs up
Full body warm-up
Sumo Deadlift worked up to 405*not part of the program
Bench warm-up 165x5
Face pulls x25
Bench warm-up 205x5
Face pulls x25
Bench warm-up 245x5
Bench Work Set 285x5
Bench Work Set 325x5
Bench Work Set 365x4 *missed 5
Bench Work Set 265x5
Bench Work Set 265x5
Bench Work Set 265x5
Bench Work Set 265x5
Bench Work Set 265x5
Circuit 3x:
Split Squat x15 each
Inverted row x15
KB Swing x15
Saturday Trap Bar Deadlift
Deadlift warm-up 165x5
Hanging leg raises x10
Deadlift warm-up 205x5
Hanging leg raises x10
Deadlift warm-up 245x5
Hanging leg raises x10
Deadlift Work Set 285x5
Push-ups x10
Deadlift Work Set 325x5
Pull-ups w/1 band x7
Deadlift Work Set 365x5
Push-ups x10
Deadlift 285x5
Pull-ups w/1 band x7
Deadlift 285x5
Push-ups x10
Deadlift 285x5
Pull-ups w/1 band x7
Deadlift 285x5
Push-ups x10
Deadlift 285x5
Pull-ups w/1 band x7
Time 33:43
Foam rolling
5:00 Warmup walk
6 rounds :60 run/:90 walk
5:00 Cooldown Walk
25:00 total
Bent knee spine twist 2x10
Lying scap retrations 2x10
I am about to embark on a similar weight loss journey. I am currently at 365# with a 535# squat, 435# deadlift, and a 305# Bench. I know those numbers are low for someone my size and attribute that to being lazy and eating like the fat kid I am.
Couple of questions on the new program. 1: I know you said you are going light on the main lifts but what percentages should I aim for? 2: What would your Bench day look like if you kept it in the same format as the rest of the lifts? 3: are all your OHP's seated or just the warmup sets?
Good luck on your journey.