It's pretty interesting the different attitudes that you come across in this sport. Sometimes you see the go-go-go mentality that says, "Do everything, at all costs... deload what?... If you ain't almost dying, you're doing it wrong."
On the flip side, you see the balance mentality that says, "Push when you need... listen to your body... train smart..."
I think I fall somewhere in the middle. It's what got me to the top of the PLUSA list, it got me a few top All-Time spots, and has also kept me in the game for 20 years with no major injuries. (Don't tell Dave Tate.) But seriously... I love the sport, but if we are being completely honest, no, I don't want to be broken all the time. I don't want to destroy my body so bad that I can't lift my arms or throw a ball with my kids. If that means I'm not "hardcore" enough or I don't want it bad enough, that's fine with me. I've seen many lifters over my lifetime with replacements, heart conditions and other issues that really don't interest me.
Longevity in most sports is hard to come by. And I'm happy to say I've been doing this for a long time and am still enjoying it while also being slightly competitive.
The reason I mention all this is because this entire training cycle has been very different and has challenged me in some different ways. After a long talk with Christian Anto regarding where my mind needs to be for these next 4 weeks, I feel better about coming into this meet with some aggression and intensity.
This week's training was fun... and yet moments of frustration got the best of me. I realize that this is whole sport is to be enjoyable. And that doesn't mean I can't be serious and competitive, but in the end, I'm at a point in my life where powerlifting takes up just the right amount.
Anyway.... heavy triples each day to get a gauge for the next 3 weeks of numbers.
Squat: Worked up to 300x3, 310x2
Bench: Worked up to: 185x3, 190x1 (strength was there for more, but I got loose and there was no point in grinding it out, so I had my spotter take it)
Deadlift: 335x3, 345x1.
335 felt a little weird. My positioning was off the entire warm up, but I still hit a solid 3. 345, I just muscled it up. I think we may have figured out what my issue is with deads, but regardless, I have to stay the course.