Who plans a wedding in the middle of meet prep?
Only two meathead powerlifters do!! (Cue the Anto's).
When Christian moved up here to Indiana in June, we knew he would need to compete again before the year's end. So he quickly found a meet that some of our fellow Illiana Power Asylum team members were also going to compete in. It's the 2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Power Challenge Dec 15-16.
So when we got engaged in August, we began to look at wedding dates and knew we wanted to get married before the end of the year. September was out because it was too close to get anything planned, October was still a little tight and December was sketchy because of the holidays. And frankly, if we could plan it around the meet he had already picked out, then even better.
We decided on November 16th to avoid Thanksgiving and hopefully still have some decent weather.
Which leads us to peaking for a meet in the middle of wedding week!
I'm pretty chill when it came to planning. We wanted nice but simple, and frankly didn't do a lot of the little things. We wanted a nice, faith-based ceremony and a fun party at the reception with friends and family. Aside from some last minute cancellations, the whole week was smooth and seamless.
And Friday, November 16th, we got hitched!! More details to come on that soon. So here's what went down this week for training as we made some adjustments due to only training 2 days this week.
For some reason, I was extremely off, uncomfortable and everything felt heavy. Yeah, yeah, wedding planning could be a part of it, but I think it had to do with the week prior (missing all 3rd reps on all my lifts all week long).
Squat - 2x2 @ 255
Bench - 175x1
Squats - 300x1 (this felt heavy and slow and terrible)
Deadlift - 315x1 (I actually started to pull this and it didn't budge. My head was messed up at this point and a lot was going on in my noggin. I walked away from the bar while all my training partners remained silent, not knowing what to do. After about 37 seconds, I walked back up to the bar, mad as heck and pulled it. It was slow and ugly and heavy, but I finished the week with what I needed to do).
Got married!!