As I mentioned last week, things hadn't been going well. After the little deload, I took some modified openers with the training crew to see how things were feeling.
Definitely a little off from where I originally was hoping I'd be (for squat and deadlift) but definitely feeler overall better than the last 4 weeks.
Squats - worked up to 285x1. It moved about medium speed. Not as fast as I would've liked, but didn't have to grind it out either. I also stopped thinking so much and just squatted. As much as I'm a stickler for being technical, it was getting a little out of control. I felt so much more comfortable and confident.
Bench - worked up to 175x1. This has been feeling better than the other lifts. I still, after 20 years of competing, can't keep my butt down. I'll probably stay with this as an opener.
Deadlift - worked up to 285x1. Still not feeling great, but it moved well. Done for the week and ready to move forward.
It's been a learning experience for us all during this training cycle. If you haven't been keeping up Christian's log, do so as well to hear his side. I'm going to do a follow up post with my thoughts on "over training"....