This was a great week of training. I'll be honest in that I'm not used to doing "the same thing" week after week. And even with my last meet, other than the main 3 movements, all other builders and accessories were always rotated. So this is different for me. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it, but it turns out it's doing me some good. It's allowing me to master some of the things I need rather than just continue to pound the same bent nail with the same crappy hammer.
This was week 2 of some eccentric work and I feel I gained a little more confidence with the squats. They are tough for me for sure, as I had a tendency to "bounce" out of the hole. Swiss bench, same... learning to stay tight during the entire movement is helping a LOT.
Friday and Saturday changed a bit with my heavy work after figuring out what I need most going into this meet. Front squats (which I loathe) were added for a heavy double along with some block pulls. Floor press, which I haven't done in awhile, came back nicely as well.
I'm really excited to see how all this ends up playing out. I thoroughly enjoy the training process, figuring out new things that may work for me, and learning from others. Christian Anto has still been picking apart a few things in my squat and deadlift especially that I think will pay off big time. He's got a great eye for detail, so I appreciate the nitpicking.
A. SSB Squats 3x4 @ 185 w/ 5 sec lowering
B. Narrow Stance SSB Box Squats - 3x8 @ 185
C. Banded TKE Squats 3x15
D. BB 45 Degree Hypers 3x10 @ 95
E. Seated SSB Round Back Good-mornings 3x12:
F. Abs
A. Swiss Bar - 3x4 @ 147 w/ 5 second lowering
B. Wide Grip - shoulder saver 3x8 @ 160
C1) DB Chest Flies 3x10
C2) T Bar Chest Supported Rows 3x10
D. Dante Rows 3x12
E. Tate Press 3x12
F. Static abs
A. Front Squats 3x2 @ 200
B. Sumo Dead’s Off 2” Block - 3x2 @ 365
C. Snatch Grip Deads 3x8 @ 225
D. Banded Good-mornings 3x20
E. DB Pullovers 2x20
F. Planks
A. Floor Press 3x2 @ 175
B. Spotto - 1 count - Bench 3x10 @ 145
C. Bradford Press 3x10 @ 65
D. Pendlay Rows 3x8 @ 145
E1) Mace ball pushdowns 3x12
E2) Preacher Curls 3x10