Second week of this new training cycle. As I mentioned before we are implementing some eccentrics into our supplemental work, but we are rotating our max effort work every week.
One reason this has been good is that we aren't focusing on beating any number from week's prior. We are just giving a maximal effort and straining. The percentages used on the eccentrics has been spot on.
Now on Friday, we did our normal speed squats, but instead of max effort pulls like week 1, we did speed pulls. Now, for me, my speed squats were MEH. Nothing felt good. Position felt off and speed was definitely not there. So we dropped down about 20 pounds to keep the speed. I was definitely frustrated. Not sure if this was a product of the past week of training or any other factors (sleep, nutrition, recovery, etc). Speed deads were decent. Not as fast as I would've liked, and it took a few sets to get moving.
I want to see what happens the next few weeks and if my speed continues to suffer or what. Could be just an off day.
MONDAY - Heavy Lower
*Cambered Bar Squats + mini band: 255x2
*3x5 with 5 second negative @ 180
*Seated SSB GM’s 3x10 @ 95
*Band Around Hips RDL 3x8 @ 185
*Planks - up for 10, down for 5, 10 times, 3 rounds:
WEDNESDAY - Heavy Upper
*Cambered Bar Bench + 1 chain @ 160
*Cambered bar bench 3x5 + 5 second negative @ 110
*Wide mag grip seated cable rows 4x12
*Neutral grip pull-downs 4x12
*Incline DB Neutral Row 4x8
*Incline DB Skull-crushers 4x15
*Banded Rear Delt 3x20
FRIDAY - Speed Lower Day
*Box Squats with 2 chains 10x2 @ 145 (dropped down as speed wasn't there)
*Speed Deadlifts 20x1 @ 190 + 2 chains
*Laying Hamstring Curls 3x12:
*Incline DB Shrugs 3x15:
*Trap Bar Carries 3 trips @ 135
SATURDAY - Speed Upper Day
*Speed bench 10x3 @ 105 + 1 chain
*Swiss bar bench, worked up to 150x5
*DB Bench Press 4x10 @ 50
*Iso Side raises then switch 3x10
*Cable EZ bar curls 3x15
*Banded Push-Ups 3x15 + light band
*Mini band rear delt flyes 3x20