I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Raw meet in early May!!!
No longer titling my posts "off season" is weird. Definitely ready to get on the platform. Had some good convos with a couple friends about where my head needs to be during this prep and the meet. Not making excuses at all, but being realistic about training.
*Geared squatting for 15 years. For real. Completely different mechanics. Not to mention the volume of my raw lifts was low. In fact, I did very little free squatting. So yeah, basically at square 1 with that.
*My off-season was definitely built to work on my raw work, but a major focus was size as well. Tons of volume and rep based work. Never really going over 250 on squats.
*Working on not comparing myself to others who have been training/competing raw for years. It's a bit of an ego blow, BIG time, coming from being one of the top female geared lifters since 2005, to basically starting from scratch again. Can be frustrating, but also motivating to claw my way to the top again to be competitive. NONE of my athletic endeavors has come easy. So why on earth would this one be any different?
*I compete because I enjoy it. I enjoy meet day and the rush of stepping on the platform. But I love the training aspect even more. I do both for myself. It's something I love to do... and it has certainly bonded me with my team and friends over the years. My teammates at Elitefts and my TeamPump teammates... and even those that I've competed with and against.
So while I'm not keeping my expectations low, I am being realistic. Approaching it like a first time lifter. I may go 3/9 or 9/9. But in the end it's going to be enjoyable and a stepping stone to the next comp.
And finally, I sincerely hope that those of you that have followed along this past year have learned some things. One reason I love training and competing and being a part of EliteFTS is so that I can continue to educate you guys. Ask questions and chime in... here, Facebook, Instagram, whatever.
Onto last week's training... another busy week so here it all is in it's glory.
A. DB floor press 5x8
B. DB shoulder press 4x12
C1. Decline ext 4x8
C2. DB hammer curls 4x12
D. Pushdowns 3x20
E. Incline DB curls 4x8
F. Push-ups slingshot x50
A. Speed deads 8x3 against mini bands, (conv and sumo)
B. Goblet squats wide 4x15
C. Leg extensions 4x12
D. Single leg hamstring curls 4x20
E. Pulsed lunges x50ea
F. Pull-ups neutral 3x8-12
G. Abs 5mins
A. Bench press 5x3 @ 150 (these felt strong and smooth)
B. Close grip 5x5 @ 135
C1. Neutral shoulder press 4x15
C2. Pullaparts 4x20
D. Rolling tris 5x8
E. Machine laterals 3x10 rest pause sets
F. Pushdowns 4x15
This day was adjust a bit in order to accommodate my schedule of craziness.
A. Squat 5x1 @ 240
B. Lat pull downs 5x8
C. Chest supported rows 4x6heavy
D1. Rear pec decks 4x12
D2 DB shrugs 4x15
E. Low row face pulls 3x12
This day was also adjusted with Friday's. Not a fan of squatting 2 days in a row, but it all worked out.
A. Narrow box squats high 8x3
B. Glute hams 6x6
C. Backward sled drags 30 yards x4
D. Abs 10mins