Since last week contained some traveling and just some random "get back into it" lifting, this week was really the start of my training. I'll be keeping a max effort day for upper and lower and my other days will be more rep work.
For squats I chose a bar that I suck at (the "spider" bar) which will challenge me, but won't require a lot of loading (weight). Then I'll be choosing exercises to target some weak areas and the glute/quad firing pattern issue I've been having....
Which leads me to our findings......... (Mind you I had several people chiming in and helping out with this issue.)
1. My glutes and hip musculature (especially when sumo deadlifting and even on squatting could notice my knees buckling a hair) were not working and my quads were overactive. I think it was a neural issue and not just "hey, your glutes aren't strong enough."
- The reason this happened, I believe, was due to some soft tissue work I got done 3 days prior to the pain starting. The work that was done was very very deep into the glutes and we believe it SHUT OFF the neural stimulus completely. So when I went to deadlift a few days later, I had nothing and my quads turned the F on.
(Remember that soft tissue work isn't just about digging deep. A good therapist will feel what's going on and release only what needs to be released. Certain stimulus can relax/release/turn off muscles and certain stimulus can activate/turn on underactive muscles. So make sure you find a therapist who can implement the right tools at the right time.)
2. So knowing what we know, I was able to get some soft tissue work done on Thursday. The idea here wasn't to go in and completely trash everything. My lateral quads were tight and overactive, for sure, but they weren't going to be released in one sitting. So she went over those a bit. Lateral calves were also tight and even my feet were bound up. She flushed over the adductors a bit to wake them up.
3. I started a "rehab" program that I received from a very knowledgeable strength coach and ART therapist. Super comprehensive and has me doing stuff twice a day/several times a week. Glute activation work, quad stretching and even some strength exercises to add into my actual training. A few specifics
- A solid dynamic warm-up
- Clam shells (3x1 minute holds. These take full concentration because if I don't focus my lateral quad will take over.)
- High rack pulls (for low back and glute focus.)
- Weighted abs/bracing
- Quad rolling/fascial release regularly
So here is how the training looked for this first week:
Dynamic Warm-up, "Tripod" holds, forward rolls
A. Spider bar, 3x3 @ 205
B. Close stance Oly shoes squat 3x8
C. DB stiff leg deads 3x10
D. Reverse Lunge 2x12 each
E. Abs
Dynamic warm-up, Hand stands
A. Swiss bar floor press 3x3 @ 145
B. Swiss bar pushups 3x10/10/10 (10 at each grip)
C1. 6 way shoulder 3x8
C2. 1/2 kneeling shoulder press 3x8 each
D. Pushdowns 3x15
E. EZ bar curls 3x15
Friday (just a repetition day)
A. SSB squats w/ monster minis 3x8 @ 125
B. High (above knee) rack pull 4x10 @ 185
C. Split squat front foot elevated 4x12 each
D. Single leg RDL 3x10 each
E. Adductor machine 3x12
F. Weighted 1 arm decline situps 3x5 each
(You can follow my #geriatric shenanigans on my Instagram story).
Saturday was a family day all day. I normally find a time to squeeze in training, but this is the perfect point in my life/training schedule to skip as I need. So I did. I need to do a better job of getting into the routine of doing my rehab stuff on my off days, so that should improve over time. All in all a great first week and ready for more.
My other point of accountability is to take my vitamins and other supps regularly. I'm about 80% on those so I need to get better. My list right now includes:
Liquid Fish oil (which I have been consistent with in the morning)
Vitamin D
B complex