Week 3 here with the new exercises rotated in. Anto helped craft some of the main movements and I moved some of the days around. In order to squat heavy Monday and be able to deadlift on Friday, we put bench work on Wednesday and then Saturday is a lighter back day with some pump work and arms. This way if something is going on with the kids and we miss, it's not a huge deal.
Monday was tough. It can be difficult to do a main max effort movement and have no idea where your numbers are at. You're creeping, creeping, creeping up not knowing how big of a jump you should take.
Monday's leg day was tough. Not gonna lie, the drop wasn't as bad as I thought, but again, mostly because we weren't sure how much to drop.
Wednesday's floor press session had me giggling cuz my arms were shaking so bad. I got 5 out of 6 reps, Anto yelled to finish my last one and I just busted out laughing. I could feel my arms shaking and for some reason I couldn't stop. I re-racked (despite the eye roll I got) and finished my last rep.
Friday's deadlifts were tooouuugh, but if felt good. Positionally that was the best I've felt in a long time and I love the feeling of grinding out some tough reps. The reset on every rep tooooooorrre my hands up. And I said it in a previous log... if you don't think good training partners help, you've never had a good one. One that knows HOW to push you, when to push you and what to say to keep your head in the game. I truly believe this (having a good training partner, Anto) will be a game changer for my upcoming comps.
Saturday we get in some good volume and switched out a few back things to get some arm swole in. A great week, hitting all 4 days.
Monday – Legs
Leg curls – 2x8 w/ 5 second lowering , 2x12 regular
SSB squat, Comp stance, parallel box, CHAINS – work up to 3x5, then drop set bar weight, then chains using 3 reps at each drop
(Worked up to 175x5, then did 4 drops.)
SSB Reverse lunge – 3x8 each leg
Banded TKE squat – 3x20
Leg extensions – 2x8 w/ 5 second lowering, 2x10-15 regular
Wednesday - Bench/Chest/Shoulders
DB Slight incline - 2x8 w/ 5 second lowering, 2xAMRAP
Floor press - 3x6 w/ slight pause
Hanging KB banded bench - 3x10
Incline facing laterals - 4x12
Seated DB clean and press - 3x12
Bentover rear flyes - 4x15
Friday - Deadlift/Heavy Back
Deficit deads with chains (conventional) - 3x4 w/ full reset after each rep. Worked up to 245 + 2 heavy chain (~100 pounds)
Mag grip lat pulldowns - 4x8
Chest supported T-bar row - 4x8-10, last set do an extended set of 6-8 with 10 sec rest between x2)
Back raise, weighted - 3x12 @ 25/35#
Saturday - Back/volume
Meadows rows (on t-bar) - 4x8 each
Ladder bar pulldown 2x10 wide, 2x10 medium 2x10 narrow
Stretcher pulldowns - 3x12
Incline facing shrugs - 3x15
Incline DB ext. 3x12, superset with Mace pushdowns, 3x12
Cable curls 3x12, superset with Incline DB curls 3x10