This was the 3rd and final week of eccentrics for this meet prep. Definitely a new stimulus for me and I feel my body responded really well to it. Monday's squats felt 10 times better, smooth and faster than prior weeks even at a heavier load.
I can tell my quads are being used more and I'm not over extending my lower back... which means my glutes and hammies are actually being utilized in a more efficient way. So win win there. AND I definitely feel more comfortable and under control under the bar.
Bench work was similar... smoother and stronger. I had been very accustomed to a "dynamic" style of training with conjugate/speed work/dynamic training. And while I think that had a place in my training and helped me with my shirt work, I don't think it was carrying over as much to my raw work. Or at least I wasn't able to get it to transfer over well because I was losing a lot of tightness at the bottom. These eccentrics have forced me to learn to stay very very tight and have excellent control of the weight.
Excited to see how it carries over!
A. Safety Squat Bar - 3x4, 5 second negative
B. Narrow stance box squat - 3x8, 3 sec negative
C. Banded TKE Squats 3x20
D. 45 Degree Hypers 3x12
E. Seated SSB Round Back Good-mornings 3x12
F. Abs
A. Swiss Bar - 3x4, 5 sec negative
B. Shoulder saver bench - 3x8
C1. Chain Flies 3x12
C2. DB Chest Supported Rows 3x12
D. Dante Rows 3x15
E. Tate Press 3x15
F. Abs
A. Front Squats 2x1 @210
B. Sumo Block pull 3x1 @ 380
C. Snatch Grip Deads 3x8 @ 235
D. Banded Good-mornings 2x20:
E. DB Pullovers 2x20:
F. Abs
A. Floor Press 3x1 @ 185
B. Spotto Bench 3x10
C. Bradford Press 3x10
D. Pendlay Rows 3x8
E1. Tricep Pushdowns 3x12
E2. Incline Bicep Curls 3x10