First 3 weeks are done. We completed the eccentric phase of the program and it went really well. Definitely was tough and challenging. All ME work was done as max 3, max 2, max 1 as the weeks progressed. And DE work was done with chains.
Now... Wednesday's max effort upper had a very important lesson to it. And I promised I would write more about it here.
I took a heavy set with the shoulder saver and after my first rep, I could feel my left side mis-loaded heavier. I did rep #2 and just racked it rather than risk something bad happening, since I KNEW something was off.
So after some rest, we put on the correct weight and I decided to take it again because I was moving it well. Rep 1 good, rep 2, good, rep 3 misgrooved and missed. I was mad. It got in my head because I felt that if my misload set would've been loaded I would've gotten it. I was frustrated with my bench as of lately so it added fuel to that fire.
Of course Anto read me like a book. But before giving me his answer he asked me, "Do you want to take it again." I knew the answer was no. I wasn't into it mentally. He agreed and we moved on.
Later that day, we talked more about it and I asked him why HE thought it was a bad idea to take another set.
He said, "Remember what Vincent said at LTTX... 'Sometimes you have to do some stupid sh*t to break through mental barriers..."
"uhhh, Yeah.... what's that have to do with this."
He said, "Well, you weren't in it mentally to "do something stupid". It was the right call to shut it down because you were so far out of it that taking another set would've had a higher risk/reward, especially mentally. You gotta be totally IN IT to do that stupid thing and push yourself physically. Today was not that day."
Made complete sense at that point. Going up on that given day was not good. Maybe another day. Maybe had I been in a better place mentally. But either way it was a good lesson.
*Spider Bar + Double Bands, 265x3+ doubled minis
*Same as above, 3x5 with 3 second pause @ 185
*Seated Round Back DB GM’s 3x10
*DB Hip Thrusters + 3 count Hold 3x12
*FatBell Single Arm Overhead Carries
*Close Grip Shoulder Saver, 190x2 (supposed to be max triple)
*Same as above, 3x5 + 3 second pause @ 150
*Single Arm seated cable rows 3x10
*Ladder Neutral grip pull-downs 3x12
*DB Row 3x10
*Rolling Tricep Extensions 3x12
*Rear Delt 3x20
Friday - Speed
*Squats with chains 12x2 @ 150 + 2 chains
*Speed Deads 20x1@ 185, but worked up every few sets til 285 + 4 chains
*Back raise 3x12
*DB Seated RB Good-mornings 3x15
*Heavy Prowler Push 3 rounds
Saturday - Speed Upper
*Bench with chains 12x3 @ 95
*Close Grip Shoulder Saver Bench, work up to 165x5
*Decline DB Bench Press 3x10 @ 50s
*Standing Side raises 3x8
*Seated DB curls3x12
*Chain Push-Ups Mega Drop Set 1x
*rear delts 3x20