I figured it might be helpful to see which week I'm working on in these mini cycles. Right now I'm doing 3 week waves of most movements. It worked really well for me in the last meet prep, so I'm going to stick with it.
Typically in a concurrent type of training, one might rotate max effort movements every week, but I'm keeping max effort work the same for 3 weeks. I may change up accessories depending on how I'm feeling or if I need a change of pace.
Anto was in town on Thursday and Friday, so we got in a good training session. He crushed his squats as usual and I blew through my workout pretty quick so we could get on the road for Easter weekend with his mom.
My kids have met Christian a few times before. Back in November we had an afternoon with them. Christmas time we had about a day together and they see him every day and night on FaceTime. But this was the longest they have all spent together and it was awesome.
If you know Christian, you know he's just a great guy to begin with. I'm pretty sure he never imagined he would date a single mom (LOL!!) and probably had no clue what to expect, but because he has a heart of gold and a great amount of respect for me and my kids, he has been amazing in learning this whole process. And it's a learning experience for me too! We went to a trampoline park, colored eggs, made homemade pizzas, had an Easter egg hunt and hung out with Anto's friends. Much needed 3.5 days together with all of us!!
Monday - max effort single
A. Spider bar - 255x1
B. Seated sumo deads 3x8 @ 185
C. Manual GHR 4x8
D1. Lat pulldowns 3x12
D2. Pistol box squat 3x12 each
E. Planks (pick up and move weight) - 4x12
Wednesday - max effort single
A. Swiss bar floor press - worked up to 167 for 3x1
B. DB press - 4x10 working up to 60s
C1. Lateral raise - 3x12
C2. Upright row - 3x12
D1. Pushdowns - 4x12
D2. Curls - 4x12
Friday - rep work with Anto
Definitely didn't feel like training. I was a little rushed and just wanted to be done and start the weekend. Got the work in and I'm sure my body appreciated it.
A. SSB squats - 3x8
B. Pull throughs - 4x12
C. Single leg bridges - 2x12 each
D. Lunges - 2xdown and back
Saturday - At Top Line in Glendale, WI
This is a great gym and one of Anto's friends. Brett runs a cool joint outfitted with some awesome EliteFTS equipment.
A. Bench (slightly closer grip) - 3x8 @ 145
B1. Fat bell press - worked up to 63#x10
B2. Neutral grip pulldowns - 4x12
C1. Seated laterals - 3x12
C2. Seated curls - 3x12
C3. Band pushdowns - 3x25