Final week of isometrics was a good one. Was very happy with my pauses on squat and bench day, increasing each from the week before and positionally feeling better and more stable.
Friday's max effort squatting was awesome. I was able to hit some solid numbers with all those chains and not break position. Bench day on Saturday was a bit all over the place. I worked up heavy then we realized we (Anto) wanted more chain deload. So I adjusted the chain and took another single. It went really well and he told me to go up 5 pounds.... but I felt I could go up 10 based on how easy 190 was......... aaaaaaaand I was wrong. I should've known better than to jump that much on a ME bench day.
Oh well, one more set at 190 that was solid and done. Good week and ready for what's coming up next week which will be all kinds of fun stuff.
*Cambered Bar - 3x4 w/ 3 second pause @ 215
*Cambered Bar Good-mornings 3x8 @ 185
*Manual GHR 3x15
*Bulgarian Split Squats 3 second pause 3x15
*Leg Press 3x20
*Heavy Prowler Pushes 3x down and back
*Fat Bar Bench - 3x4 w/ 3 sec pause @ 165
*Bench Press into pins 4x1 @ 160
*Inverted Rows 3x15
*Rolling Tricep Extensions 3x15
*Pull-ups 4x8 each grip
*Upper Body Sled - Press, row, chest fly, rear belt fly: 2x each
*SSB Box Squat + 2 chains each side - 3x1 @ 225
*Stiff Bar Deadlifts + 4 chains - 3x1 @ 275
*Conventional Deficit Deadlifts 3x10 @ 255
*Cable Hip Pull-throughs 1x20
*Leg curls 1x20
*Red Shoulder Saver Bench Press + chains 3x1 @ 190
*Incline Bench 5x5 @ 120
*A1) Seated Side Raises 1x20
*A2) Straight Bar Cable Tricep Extensions 1x20
*A3) Seated Pronated Bicep Curls 1x20