If you've been training long enough (and by long enough I mean you've experienced more than 3 "plateaus"), then you've had your fair share of "bad days" (and even months, or years!) And even moreso, you've had days where your head was so far up your a** that it took you days to find it again.
Don't lie.... we've all done it.
Last Monday was one of those days. As I was warming up for deficit deadlifts, I felt decent. Then it got real heavy real fast. But like a true champ (insert eye roll), I had a number in my head that I wanted to hit for a certain number of reps. Which I often do, so that's nothing new.
Without taking into consideration that A) I'm not great at the exercise and B) it was 85% (from a DEFICIT) of what I pulled at my meet in March and C) I was about to pull it for 5 REPS, perhaps I was a bit ambitious. But I let a number get in my head.
Now, don't get me wrong... having that number pushed me. A lot. Granted I only got 4 on my first set, 3 on second and then said "stop being a lil b****" and did 4 again on my third, I didn't get 5 reps on any of those sets. After I sulked, I got my head straight a couple hours later.
I'll be honest... social media doesn't help this issue, but I have to also keep remembering something Dani told me... "It's what you do with that total that matters."
Live. Learn. Pass On.
A. It's training. It's a blessing to be able to do this.
B. Doing what you suck at always hurts your ego.
C. A number is a number. Those numbers change. If there's anything I've learned from Louie and old school Westside training, it's that max effort is max effort, regardless of the "number."
D. Have freakin' fun!
A. Deficit deads - 300x4, 3, 4
B. Double pause wide stance squats 3x8 @ 185
C. hammie and back accessories
A. Incline 3x5 @ 135
B. DB floor press 3x12 @ 50
C. Back and shoulder accessories
A. Barbell complex (cleans/front squat/RDL) - 3x10
B. Hack squat/ Leg extension superset - 4x10/ 15
C. Split squats/ Lunges - 4x10/10
A. Barbell complex (OH press/upright row/BB row) - 3x10
B. Shoulder accessories and arms