Welp, we wrapped up the isometric phase with a pretty good week. As we move into the concentric phase, you might be wondering.... how are you going to make max effort work into "concentric" work? With the eccentric and isometric phases, we took a percentage off, but with the concentric work, we are adding reverse bands to the max effort lift.
My little nagging shoulder issue left me sitting on the sidelines Saturday during dynamic work. Actually, I kinda just wanted to see how taking an extra day off would help. Can't say for sure yet, so we will see as the rest of the week plays out. It's not debilitating, but it's nagging enough that I can't seem to get a handle on what the underlying issue is.
Nutritionally, I haven't changed much. I didn't want to "diet" down for my wedding and I didn't want to stop training to "fit in a dress" either. So I may be very jacked. Ha! JK. But seriously, it's been more of a "don't really feel like eating lately." Most things have been on point and some days I probably don't get in all my food. I weighed in over the weekend and was 132. Not really meaning to, but then again it might work out for the dress. Lol.
*Spider Bar Wide Stance, box squats, work up to 220x3
*Same as above + reverse mini bands 3x5
*Spider Bar GM to Squat 3x8 @ 135
*Laying Hamstring Curls 3x15
*Single Leg RDL 3x10
*Farmer Carries
*Wide Grip Bench, work up to 180x3
*Same as above + reverse bands 3x5
*Bent Over Barbell Rows 4x10
*Blast Strap Tricep Extensions 4x12
*A1) Seated Banded Rows 4x20
*A2) Spider Crawls 4x8
*Speed squats with chains 12x2 @ 150
*Stiff bar Deadlift Off 2” blocks, work up to 315x3
*Same as above + reverse green Bands 3x5 @ 315
*Snatch Grip RDL’s 3x12
*Leg Press 3x15
*Yoke Walk Carries 3 trips
* Lat pulldowns
*Upper back
(Just did a bunch of pump work today instead of any pressing work)