This week was a fun and productive week. And by that I mean it's nice to see all the effects of the past 6 weeks coming together. Most notably with my "form" and some of the tweaks we've been making.
In the past, I had a tendency to overarch my lower back. When I stopped squatting in gear, I realized how bad it was and worked to correct it. Everything over the past 2 years is finally making sense. I can now feel a difference in my actual muscles rather than in my joints. It's an odd concept to explain, but that's the best way I can put it... that I can tell that all my muscles are working together efficiently, rather than just "moving weight" through my low back.
Monday and Wednesday is now my max effort work. Working some doubles with reverse bands. Friday and Saturday are now incorporating wraps and slingshot for a few weeks before getting into the main percentages to peak.
Another good point is I'm feeling really confident about being under loads and the positions I'm in. Body feels sore, but overall good and strong.
Friday and Saturday I was fortunate enough to train at NBS again with Christian, which was helpful for me on my first week back in wraps. They've got a good powerlifting crew down there, which is nice to see so many be involved and love the sport. They were all super hepful.
*Straight Bar, low box, reverse mini band 3x2 @ 315
*2 mat DEFICIT SUMO dead, reverse monster mini 3x2 @ 295
*Close Stance Above Parallel Box 3x20 @ 135
*Banded Hip Pull-throughs 3x20
*Laying Hamstring Curls 3x20
*Bench Press, reverse Monster mini 3x2 @ 235
*Wide Grip Bench 3x8 @ 145
*OH Press 3x10 @ 65
*Front to Side Raises 3x20
*Chain Flies 3x20
*Banded Face Pulls 3x20
Friday @ NBS Fitness
*Seated Box Jumps 10x2
*Squats (2 chains/side) WITH WRAPS 3x4 @ 220
*SSB Bar Good-mornings 3x6 @ 165
*Leg Press, Wider Stance 3x10
*Front Foot Elevated Split Squats 3x10 w/ SSB
*45 Degree Hypers (Banded) 3x10
*Hanging Knee Raises 3x15
Saturday @ NBS Fitness
*Clapping Push-ups 10x3
*Bench with 2 chains + SLINGSHOT 3x4 @ 130
*DB Shoulder Press 3x10 @ 40s
*DB Lateral Raises 3x10
*DB Chest Supported Rows 3x10
*Wide Grip Lat. Pull-down 3x10
*Rear Delt Destroyer 2x