This week was a bit chaotic (as if most weeks aren't?). I decided to not go too heavy on Monday with my third week of Anderson squats because I knew I'd be deadlifting heavy with Anto in Memphis on Friday. And since I'm not totally training for anything yet, I enjoy using that freedom to accommodate my travels and what not.
I've been asked multiple times what I'm doing next, when I'm competing, will it be powerlifting or physique... My answer remains the same as 6 weeks ago. I don't know.
Before the Arnold, I had talked to a nutrition coach about doing a show (someone I highly respect) and he agreed to help me. Then after the meet, I felt I had unfinished business on the platform and thought, hmmm.... maybe I'll turn around and do a quick meet again.
Then about a week after the Arnold, getting back into training, I just felt like my body was telling me no. I had some issues that weren't clearing up (mainly my shoulder) and I didn't want to prep for something and not be able to put in 100%.
And now that 6 weeks have gone by... I feel a greater sense of "not yet" going on inside me. I'm not sure why. It's more than just physical now... I feel like that was the initial thing to tell me to slow down and now I feel like God is doing something more... a combination of things in my life that are keeping competing on hold.
Could I do a meet or a show with a million other things going on? Absolutely. I've done it before many, many times. But I just can't put my finger on it right now. So I'll keep praying, keeping fixing my body and enjoying this time of off-season.
Christian and I had a GREAT weekend together.... Pizza, friends, ropes course and ziplining, training together. The weather was gorgeous. We drove around, jammed out and just spent good quality time together.
Monday - rep lower
A. SSB Anderson squat - worked up to 205x2 and then called it there. Did a down set of 15 @ 135
B. SSB seated Goodmorning/ box squat - 3x8/8
C1. Manual GHR - 4x6
C2. Cable RDL - 4x12
D. Lat pulldown - 3x15
Wednesday - Heavy upper
A1. Single bench blok - 3x1 @ 190. These felt good and smooth. Stayed at that weight and hit it solid for all 3. Then did a down set at 135x15
A2. Lat pulldown (light) - in between every set of bench, including all warm up sets. so did a total of about 8-10 sets of 12.
B. Mag grip wide pulldowns - 4x10
C1. Chain tri ext - 4x15
C2. Chain presses - 4x15
D. Chain laterals - 3x20
E. Lat rehab
Friday - Heavy lower @ NBS
A. Glute ham raise - 3x6
B. Conventional deads - worked up to 325x3
C. Hack squat - 3x10
D. Reverse hyper - 2x20
E. Band good mornings - 2x30
F. Hanging knee raises - 2x10
Saturday - rep upper @ NBS
A. Fat bar bench - 3x8 @ 155
B. Machine chest press - 3x12
C1. Narrow mag grip pulldown - 4x12
C2. EZ bar bicep curls - 4x12
D. Pushdowns - 5x15