Back in town after traveling and it always sucks to come back to training alone. While I'm fortunate enough to be in a GOOD gym with GREAT people, there are definitely some days where I'm not sure who's going to be around if I need help. Definitely need to be more diligent about asking some of my peeps the day before... last thing I want to do is be ready to take a heavy squat and not have someone there I trust to spot.
Little more commentary as I'm figuring out a few things on each of my lifts.... so keep reading below... and the videos are at the end.
This is the second week of this micro cycle. The max effort movements are the same. Volume is dropped by a set, so goal is to hit more than I did last week.
Felt good, but definitely took me a bit to get moving. Felt slow and wasn't sure how squats were gonna go but still hit 5# more than last week. Deads went a LOT better as I was cued to "pull" myself down to the bar and create tension. Made a big difference and ended up 20# more than last week
*Straight Bar reverse MINI band squats - 2x2 @ 330 (video below)
*2 mat DEFICIT sumo, reverse MONSTER MINI band - 2x2 @ 315
*Close Stance Above Parallel Box 2x20 @ 155
*Banded Pull-throughs 2x20
*Leg Curls 2x20
All around decent day. Nothing magical. But still hit bench 5# more than previous and smoother too.
*Bench Press, reverse MONSTER mini band - 2x2 @ 240
*Wide Grip Bench 3x6 @155
*OH Press 3x8 @ 85
*Front & Side Raises 2x20
*Chain Flies 2x20
*Banded Face pulls 2x20
I started warming up for squats and as I reached my working weight, my brain started to go haywire. I had to wrap my own knees (yuck), I didn't have anyone I trust to pull the mono and DEFINITELY no one I trusted to spot me. So my first set was a little shaky and a touch high.
Second set I asked one of the guys to pull the mono (I had to show him how first). So I had someone to pull, but not spot... which I was ok with bc I knew it was a weight I could get... Anto was NOT ok with that. "Ma'am... get you a spot please." With all that going on, I apparently forgot how to squat... Feet were too wide, not as much control.... (insert eye roll emoji... get your act together Jules.)
For my third and final set, I had the same guy pull the mono and had Andy, one of the owners, spot. Mentally I felt better... I went through all my cues and made sure to make the last set a solid one... and it was. "BABE!!.... Now that's how you freaking squat!!"
*Seated Box Jumps 10x2
*Squats w/ 2 chains WITH WRAPS - 3x4 @ 235
*SSB Bar Good-mornings 3x8 @ 175
*Leg Press, Wider Stance 3x12
*Front Foot Elevated Split Squats 3x12
*45 Degree Hypers (Banded) 3x12
*Abs 3x20
Got in early so I could get training done to finish preparing for the boy's 9 year old b-day party. We upped the bench percentage a bit bc last week just moved too good.
Definitely better, still had good speed. By the third set I adjusted my foot placement to keep my butt down better... first rep solid, other 3 were meh. Thank goodness I only have to do 1 in a meet.
*Clapping Push-ups 10x3
*Bench w/ 2 chains + SLINGSHOT - 3x4 @ 150
*DB Shoulder Press 3x12 @ 40s
*DB Lateral Raises 3x12
*DB Chest Supported Rows 3x12
*Wide Grip Lat. Pull-down 3x12
*Rear Delt Destroyer 2 sets