DECIDED TO DO A MEET!! Haha, yeah. So Christian and the rest of the team are doing a meet in December here in Chicago. I honestly looked at Christian one day and said, I think I should just do that meet, so I don't have to go through this hell-ish training cycle again.
He laughed, probably thought I was kidding, but I just registered today so who's laughing now! Lol.
Final week of this 3 week mini cycle. We are in the concentric phase, so as stated last week, we are adding reverse bands to our max effort work. I really like it because it's allowing me to move a moderately heavy weight with a little more speed.
Overall, it was a good week. Deadlifts were the most challenging on Friday because of that stupid 5 rings bar. (It's not stupid, it's awesome. It just makes deadlifting extremely tough.) Determined to make it work though!
Surprised myself on Monday's squats handling 280 with a cambered bar. Squats have been feeling good so I'm excited to sorta test things out in the coming weeks.
*Cambered Bar Squat, 280x1
*Add Reverse Band Red’s 3x5 @ 280
*Cambered Bar GM’s to Squat 3x8 @ 135
*Laying Hamstring Curls 3x15
(Had to skip a few accessories today because I ran out of time.)
*Floor Press 185x1
*Add Reverse Green 3x5 @ 185
*Bent Over Barbell Rows 4x10 @ 115
*Blast Strap Tricep Extensions 4x12
*A1) Seated Banded Rows 4x20
*A2) Spider Crawls 4x8
*SSB Speed squats with chains 8x2 @ 135 + chains
*Stiff bar Deadlift Off 2” Deficit 1 (Sumo) 290x1
*Add Green Bands 3x5 @ 290
*Snatch Grip RDL’s 3x12 @ 155
*Leg Press 3x15:
*Bench with chains 8x3 @ 115
*Dumbbell Lat Pull Overs 4x10:
*Chest Supported Rows 3x10:
*Banded Bicep curls 100 reps
*Banded Tricep Push-downs 100 reps