This is the 2nd week of the cycle. It was a solid week. I seem to be stringing good weeks together. As mentioned previously, I'm toying with some new ideas and trying to sort out the details as I finish this cycle so I can start fresh after spring break. So far, I like where things are going.
- SSB Box Squat:210/230/250/3x3@270
- Push-ups: 10x5
- FSL: 5x5@230
- Pull-ups: 10x5
- Shrugs/Neck/Curls
- FBB: 110/120/3x5@130
- FSL: 5x5@110
- KB Row: 10x10
- Trap Bar: 230/255/280/305x5
- FSL: 5x5@255
- FBB Incline: 10x5
- Pull-ups: 10x5
- Neck/Curls
Really good week. The simple, boring workouts were great. Zero thinking - just training.
If you read my previous entry about an annual plan I'm pretty set on how each cycle will look for myself. Next week ends this cycle and I'll "test" my progress. I have no clue where I am, but this is perfect timing. One more week in this cycle, the following week is spring break and then I'll come back and start fresh.
Next week I'll take the SSB with 3 plates, Trap Bar with 4 plates and the FBB with 1 plate and shoot for 10 reps on each. Wherever I end up is fine. The goal is to do these numbers in June up at Wendler's. This will just let me know where I am.