Both Days-


Static Stretching

McGill Big 3

Push Ups

Recumbent Bike: 20 minutes

Saturday 12:00pm-

KB Swings: 4x10

Leg Ext: 4x10

Leg Curl: 4x10

Calves: 4x15

1:00pm Basketball Game:

It was an incredible game. We won by a point on a 3 pointer with 11 seconds left. I think everyone in the Y was watching the game. The kids stormed the court (I mean every kid in the gym). It was great to watch. The kids enjoyed that so much. Chris played well. He had a great game defensively and did well in stints at the point. We then went for wings to celebrate.

Sunday 12:00pm-

Walk Outside: 3 miles

Sunday evening while watching the game:

A ton of foam rolling. I have some scare tissue or something in my right hamstring that I need to get fixed. So, I'll start foam rolling before I go for my walks at night