Our get together's used to be NOV Meets. That's when we'd have some predetermined plan to push ourselves to pr's of some sort or another. I know I even trained for them as if they were a meet.
The older I get, the more I realize the lifts have little consequence in our get-togethers. I consider Rhodes and Jim two of my best friends. They are the best friends you can have because we don't have to keep constant contact with one another to be close. When the planets line up and we talk or get together, everything picks up where it left off.
We have spirited talks about music, movies, training, life, and more often than those combined, inappropriate and completely politically incorrect conversations. We get to act like the man-children we are without reprisal.
Oh yeah, we got some training in as well. As aged strength enthusiasts, we can never be too sure how our bodies are holding up by the time we meet. We just get in there and each individual does what comes to mind.
Considering I have my first full meet in over two decades coming up in September, I was looking forward to having them critique my squat and deadlift. Man, this sure helped. Jim really helped me get in a better position under the squat bar.
I have been carrying the bar too low because of my lack of flexibility, so Jim just kept forcing my hands in. As a result, I was able to carry the bar higher and my squat looked infinitely better. However, my elbows are not happy with this new setup. I see lots of ice and heat therapy in the future for my elbows. That's in addition to a bunch of other prehab work.
One of the most important things both Rhodes and Wendler taught me, was to stop thinking so much. My squat was too mechanical. I was thinking too much and wasn't getting aggressive enough. So with everything cleaned up, I stopped thinking and my squat not only looked better, but it felt better.
The guys were also invaluable when it came to my deadlift. Jim helped me get my lats down in the pocket. Rhodes got me to move my hands out a bit because they were hitting my legs and causing my arms to bend. That's a big no-no with a repaired biceps. He also got me starting with my hips higher. I was sitting too far into my deadlift and my hips were coming up before I started moving the bar. That's wasted motion and doesn't lend itself to taking the slack out of the bar properly.
With all the cues I did some light technique work for a bunch of sets and reps. Each one feeling better than the last. Lest I not forget, I got to use a deadlift bar as I do not have one in my gym "yet." Damn those things are great. When I did full meets a bunch of decades ago, I didn't get the luxury of lifting with deadlift bars. The give and whip in them sure is nice.
I can't leave out the bench. I didn't really need any help with that. But both Jim and Matt gave me liftoffs and I got to look up their shorts. So I have burned into my brain forever. Thanks, boys.
Sunday we went on a Death March. Jim has this hill he trains on. This thing is brutal. It's probably a good 20 minutes plus from Jim's house. I kind of take it granted over here in New England how easy it is to get to a hill. I don't even have to leave my property for the awesome trail I've carved out in my own woods.
Anyway, one of the sadists decided it was a good idea to wear weight vests while doing the hills. I'm sure you guessed already, yes it was Jim. We procrastinated for some time. When we finally did the deed, I was proud to have gotten six hills in. I think Rhodes even complimented me, but I might have been in some type of elevated heart rate induced mania.
Afterward, those bastards dragged me out for fried chicken, God bless them. This was the third day in a row we ate fried chicken. It was glorious. I mean, I'm ashamed of myself. Once the feast had finished we sat and started watching a movie and all passed out like a bunch of toddlers put down for a nap. We were so spent that after we woke up in the living room, Jim thought it would be a good idea for us to go up to our beds for another nap. Nobel prize-winning idea as far as I'm concerned.
After another good hour or so of napping, I stumbled back downstairs. To my surprise, I saw chef Wendler whipping us up some tacos. I mean seriously, the man not only coaches, and writes, but he cooks too. He's a keeper.
Sadly, all good things come to an end. Rhodes and I got up early to get me to the airport. However, not before I defiled Jim's house by taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror. The reason why? One because I know Jim's utter disapproval of the act. The other, to make sure I still had abs after those enablers caused me a bunch of fast food relapses.
The most important thing I have learned from my 33 years in powerlifting, if you do it right, the relationships you make will mean more to you than any lift you ever complete.
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