This will be a cut to the chase training log post...



Swiss Lat Bar Pull Downs
* 4 warm up sets
* 3 working set of 8 reps with each grip

Tsunami Lat Bar - Straight Arm Pull Down
* 6 working sets of 15-20 (to failure)

Chest Supported Shrugs
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8 with 2 sec iso hold

Kettlebell Dumbbell Rows
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (to failure)

Core Blaster T-Bar Lat Pulls
- While this looks like a stiff leg deadlift it's not. To do this correctly you flex your lats as hard and you can and try to bend the hands as you pull up. In the top position flex the lats as hard as you can.
* 4 warm up sets
* 6 work sets of 5


Pull Down Abs with Bands
* 4 sets 20

Standing Calf Raises
* 4 sets 20




Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
* 4 warm up sets 8-15
* 4 work sets of 12-15

Shoulder Saver Bar Incline Press (exercise index video)
* 4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 5-6 reps

Cable Flies
* 6 work sets of 12-15 reps

Machine Flies
* 6 work sets of 12-15