Had a very good weekend overall. I didn't get my workout in, but I did get in plenty of old fashioned moving around. Our 9-11 team lost, but the kids played hard. I think this team will be fine. Our 12-14 team dominated their game. It wasn't even close. As I said last week, this team is going to be really good.
I got my normal stretching in both days.
Saturday night, Chris and I had our usual "guys night". We hung out, watched movies, watched football, and ate. We both really enjoyed ourselves.
Sunday was a bit of a rough day for me. I woke up with muscle spasms in my back and they stayed for most of the day. Sunday was a day of laying on the couch for me.
On a cool note. I had an old friend of mine email me a bunch of questions. I'll answer one at a time over the next couple of weeks. This should be pretty good as it will make me think and my answers should be pretty lengthy.