It seems simple enough but in my gym there is a failure to put shit back IN the proper spots.
There is a lot of finger pointing that "so and so" must be responsible or "the x fitters" come over and... but I don't give a shit about that. I spend the first 15 minutes of my day putting stuff back from the last person using it from the night before.
Making matters worse, are the MISPLACED things. Not missing. No. Nothing is ever stolen from my gym, but the collars put on first to the weight tree and then a pile of weight over the top, or that 25 pound plate sandwiched between 45's. rendering the use of that 25 to nill unless you remove the stack of 45's.
Leaving the "little weight" on the floor because the person is too lazy to return them to the weight stack.
Lastly, just this very morning I differed the training session so that I could CLEAN the gym.
It had gotten to a point that I had become fearful of perhaps MRSA was the next thing to be had.
My gym has a unique set up. There's a Combat area for fighting, and MMA, then there's a X fit area and then there's ME!
The gym will get cleaned weekly on Sunday evening by of all people, my former house cleaners. Yup, they will attack the gym just up to the line of bifurcation that becomes the PowerLifting Area.
At the point of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, I decided to take the matter into my own hands.
Here's the issue. Knowing that there is NO Fucking supervision when I leave, the organization and cleanliness will go down the shitter when I return on Monday morning at 0500.
UNLESS... people learn to apply the Principle "Put things back in their proper spot".
Yea, good luck with that.
Today's Training:
OHP: 5x10
DB LR: 5x10
Spider Walk: 5
Shrug: 5x10
Bike Commute: 20 mins.